Mark T Posted October 25, 2018 Share Posted October 25, 2018 Ahoy all, Not much to report this month, we have some good news and unfortunately not so good news. AWE As you are aware changes have already been made in AWE; Colsta has stepped down handing his Team Lead role over to Mouldy. Repo size has been massively reduced to 16g in total. There are more to follow which I can't go in to details just yet. I would like to thank all the AWE staff team for their hard work in making this happen and continuing to improve the experience for all. IA4 We are very close to completion of Invade and Annex 4 although no date is yet to be revealed. Our first beta test will begin tomorrow Friday 26th October at 1900UTC on EU2. Lastly, the not so good news; Our server fees and Teamspeak licence are due this month, once those are paid our funds will be critical. Piranha has kindly donated privately to last us until Jan, If this trend continues then we may have to look at the possibility of closing down in January/February time. We have already decided to drop down to a smaller Teamspeak server to save cost and are discussing other options to ensure our survival. See you in the 'fields, MT PiranhA, Kacper, GhostDragon and 3 others 3 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ Cakes Posted October 25, 2018 Share Posted October 25, 2018 Donated. I'm a bad person and don't remember to donate on a regular basis, but if there was a recurring donation option I'd be all over that. Zico, Mark T and Xwatt 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zico Posted October 25, 2018 Share Posted October 25, 2018 Haven't actually been on in a while but I've made a small donation. Hopefully I'll find some time to stop by and enjoy I&A4. Solex, Mark T, JJ Cakes and 1 other 2 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zico Posted October 25, 2018 Share Posted October 25, 2018 I was just browsing in the Donator's forum and saw the thread where you had a competition for a banner inside I&A. Had you considered perhaps opening up something for a sponsor? Not sure if this has already been considered in the past. Solex 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostDragon Posted October 25, 2018 Share Posted October 25, 2018 1 hour ago, Zico said: I was just browsing in the Donator's forum and saw the thread where you had a competition for a banner inside I&A. Had you considered perhaps opening up something for a sponsor? Not sure if this has already been considered in the past. The issue with this is our server would have to be monitisezed else we will be breaking TOS with Bohemia Zico 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark T Posted October 26, 2018 Author Share Posted October 26, 2018 22 hours ago, JJ Cakes said: but if there was a recurring donation option I'd be all over that. We've now added the option with 4 different price plans to choose from, payments can be made using PayPal or Bank Cards. There is still a lot of work to be done as to figuring out what benefits each plan has and to integrate a subscribers box. But for now it's very basic and it works Zico, JJ Cakes, Stanhope and 3 others 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ Cakes Posted October 26, 2018 Share Posted October 26, 2018 OK, when I click on "Donate" it still takes me to PayPal for a one-time donation. How do we get to the recurring donation box? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark T Posted October 26, 2018 Author Share Posted October 26, 2018 Choose from the drop down menu and click the subscribe box not the donate one. Zico 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ Cakes Posted October 26, 2018 Share Posted October 26, 2018 You cleverly hid it right in front of my face. Zico and Mark T 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GamerbugUK Posted October 27, 2018 Share Posted October 27, 2018 Subscribed; will give what I can Mark T, GhostDragon and Chuck 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheScar Posted October 28, 2018 Share Posted October 28, 2018 well,this is fairly a thing i could of imagined and ever since i read about this i m making up my mind on how to dig quick and reliable sources to attend regular income for AW,this includes MarkT T-Shirts and Xwatt punching bags - i m also willing to give myself for 1 night (12h) for a minimum of E (or higher) donation to AW to any paying customer (hot females prefered) and i will teach em in tactical luvmaking and school t them on penetration of missiles and similar but i take it this isnt going to work out in the short run. Anyway,the current subscriber system might have its benefits,but imo it will only be attracting to AW related/hardcore users. I cannot imagine alot pubs making future finance plans and will rather change/cut their subscription quickly once they run into a thing they see their money benefit em more. Maybe think about more options to donate money like paysafe cards and similar - they allow quick donations/subscriptions and i also assume that 50% of the EU1 plebspubs is mostly under 20 and dont own a paypal accoutn or credit card debit. Like said,open thinking olny here. Need to dig myself deeper in the issue over the comin week. For now,start getting the word out when playing EU1# and EU2# to draw attemtion to the public (regular) users (read=dont overdo it) Also,to the guys in the lead - think positive,its not your fault,we got you on this. After all,everything will work out just fine. + we can always cut EU2# and EU3# to save budgets,right Xwatt and Mark T 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stanhope Posted October 28, 2018 Share Posted October 28, 2018 16 minutes ago, TheScar said: + we can always cut EU2# and EU3# to save budgets,right EU2 is on the same physical box as EU1. The physical boxes cost money, not the virtual arma server. EU3&6 are on a different box. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheScar Posted October 28, 2018 Share Posted October 28, 2018 Spoiler i wasnt actually serious on that,cause the EU3# kidz be like WTF;Y GAWD Y but ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark T Posted November 11, 2018 Author Share Posted November 11, 2018 We are looking into other payment options like paysafe card etc but I am waiting to see what Mike from Invision brings out first: Finally a sneak peak of our Merch store : Hopefully everything will be finalised and ready for the next community update. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has donated these last few weeks, with your contribution we now have enough in the pot to last us until mid 2019, hopefully we can now rely on our monthly goals and use this as a last resort. Again, Thank you all. AW Team. Kacper, D.Devil, Colby and 2 others 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheScar Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 no AW-Borat mankini ? no AW bra´s also ? clearly a missing feature ... yet Also,why so small logo on all of em - i mean,cmon if we go full nerdie supportive then have it BIG on the BACKSIDE too And what about pics of Staff,maybe while ending a mighty dragon with a sword up close ... and beards Or,i can send summertime pics of myself on the beach,too Everyone likes to have a scar,right ? Colby 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DerRoteKoyote Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 The Hoodie is cool when i can order it? But i have to say its hard for a Gaming Community to stay alive after Years only to focus on one Gamemode in one Game, even after some missed opportunities in the past with content creators and misleade Leadership decision that maked a crack in the community i am happy there still People that take care of my nr.1 Arma community. The Merchstore is overdue and you guys should really take a eye on the right and the left side of the website its a nice background but a lot of empty space. *cough* Advertising If i check Youtube i see the last upload was about 3months ago (a Theaser with no information..its something coming ..what is coming?), but there should be a upload every week regulary that not means a Arma 3 vid or a Scar vid how he makes a cat nip with his titan launcerlul Scar New Relased Games that makes people longing to know about the Ahoyworld Community Refresh old Contacts The Biggest issue if i meet new players on servers that the most a take no notice thats there Ahoyworld out there , exemple ..Hy i am new to arma wow you got many hours Playtime what gamemode you play most often ..Invade and what ? never heard about it. Gameplay issues! Players like LOOTE if i joint way back the days we raidet the bots like Predators take there helmets cars guns fast based gameplay no need to wait 20min that the guy with the AT will come and not die instantly and you have to wait that a AT Slot is Empty .. i cant even pick up a RPG thats one time touched by a bot put no time used, or a other gun if i running out of ammo on the Battlefield. HA running with some gear and getting breathless and this useless gun sway is also a part for eu3 no go on a Puplic server. To much Limitations killing the Fun EU1 is the public arcade server if you wont to get serious there is the empty EU3 and tactical player will go to the 77 or on a Koth server I also remember long time ago i can play with mod guns on the Puplic server but i dont have to yeah the other player ask why your gun is invisible and they get the mods if they joint the next time but now you can see in the launcher the mods and get them instantly with the workshop. Map rotation is also a thing Altis is a very good map but all other gamemodes/server changing there maps constantly. Xp system for unlocking gear very cool with mod guns(Rhs dont support Vip slots i only say code4gaming) even miss the Pumpkin sweet or treath time for a zombi invasion event or something like that So lot to do and if the servers full you can sell vip slots like Sa-matra and that stepping back from leadership and steering in the same wrong direction have a end If you coming to that point of reading my text you will find out i dont sweet talk about things thats the naked truth i know a lot of server owners and the biggest issue is to hope for donations and if you have donatiors they constantly putting money in your server then they will have something for that, dont change that do that kick him bann them give me admin rights.... or i go that happens every time on every server in every game. so change things say what the changes are to everyone without asking turn the empty servers off switch to discord to spare the money for a reboot host other popular games to keep the commuity alive for the future. this the first and the last time i say something to this theme i hope i dont hear in a year that the community is shut down. so unicorn glitter and sunshine on top cyah on the Battlefield Xwatt 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GamerbugUK Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 Liking the merch, possibly a good step (who knows though really). Regards the above post, having a full run and gun server is all fine and well, but even back when you could carry as much as you wanted and use any gun you wanted, the servers were often desolate so it really made little difference. EU1 fills up just fine, EU3 - well I honestly don't know as I don't play there. So I would say if you want to generate more player base it's having a new game mode on EU2 (what that might be I have no idea). I mean other maps have been tried and they didn't work, though I am somewhat surprised as a smaller map makes a lot of sense (you get to a fight quicker). So maybe AW needs a second game type to supplement I&A. Either way I will still support you guys where I can, it's a good community/server/game mode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lindi Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 10 hours ago, DerRoteKoyote said: [snip] Gameplay issues! Players like LOOTE if i joint way back the days we raidet the bots like Predators take there helmets cars guns fast based gameplay no need to wait 20min that the guy with the AT will come and not die instantly and you have to wait that a AT Slot is Empty .. i cant even pick up a RPG thats one time touched by a bot put no time used, or a other gun if i running out of ammo on the Battlefield... [snip] I agree with the AT part. Unguided launchers maybe with the exception of the MAAWS should be more widely available for use across classes and the ability to pickup weapons in the field would keep things running more smoothly! Helmets and camo not so much because it will result in too many tks! ...but I guess I should take this to the suggestions thread instead. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GamerbugUK Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 I do agree with the RPGs, make them available for any one; picking one up of a corpse can mean life and death for a person stuck in no mans land; ditto for weapons of bodies in general (possibly make them class dependant). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheScar Posted November 14, 2018 Share Posted November 14, 2018 alrighty,cant leave this uncommented like this On 11/12/2018 at 7:57 AM, DerRoteKoyote said: i cant even pick up a RPG thats one time touched by a bot put no time used, or a other gun if i running out of ammo on the Battlefield. i do agree that s a major breaking point by the last version(s) of I+A 3 On 11/12/2018 at 7:57 AM, DerRoteKoyote said: running with some gear and getting breathless and this useless gun sway is also a part for eu3 no go on a Puplic server i disagree there,as the way your equip does have a great impact on how long you can run or how much sway you got due to being exhausted then,there s the rest feature On 11/12/2018 at 7:57 AM, DerRoteKoyote said: I also remember long time ago i can play with mod guns on the Puplic server but i dont have to yeah the other player ask why your gun is invisible and they get the mods if they joint the next time but now you can see in the launcher the mods and get them instantly with the workshop. the main point of EU1# and EU2# were to be easy accessable by the public without the need to have/use any mod this is still possible altho there s the problem of what mod(gunpack) to use as opinions are like assholes,everyone has one Steam Workshop isnt the most reliable source i would like to make use of,but a "light" AWmodpack with the most "basic" stuff was an option,but is a b*tch to maintain updated Then there s the issue with exploits and script injections,too On 11/12/2018 at 7:57 AM, DerRoteKoyote said: Map rotation is also a thing Altis is a very good map but all other gamemodes/server changing there maps constantly. Nobody is updating current I+A 3 over the point of adapting A3updates to the mission Same for developing a Stratis or Tanoa version of it. Current development is going 99,5% into I+A 4 It s a dead corpse. On 11/12/2018 at 7:57 AM, DerRoteKoyote said: so change things say what the changes are to everyone without asking turn the empty servers off switch to discord to spare the money for a reboot host other popular games to keep the commuity alive for the future. some truth in there but it aint easy cooking like it lookin - what games,the most comon game that unites most of current AW members is A3 or 4 respective. SWAT ? EUROtrucker ? On 11/12/2018 at 7:57 AM, DerRoteKoyote said: this the first and the last time i say something to this theme i hope i dont hear in a year that the community is shut down. so unicorn glitter and sunshine on top cyah on the Battlefield every little thing gonna be alright Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lindi Posted November 14, 2018 Share Posted November 14, 2018 Can we get AhoyWorld coffee mugs? @Mark T itsmemario and SkullCollector 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colby Posted November 14, 2018 Share Posted November 14, 2018 1 hour ago, Lindi said: Can we get AhoyWorld coffee mugs? @Mark T Water bottles? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryko Posted November 15, 2018 Share Posted November 15, 2018 On 11/14/2018 at 2:11 AM, TheScar said: On 11/12/2018 at 1:57 AM, DerRoteKoyote said: i cant even pick up a RPG thats one time touched by a bot put no time used, or a other gun if i running out of ammo on the Battlefield. i do agree that s a major breaking point by the last version(s) of I+A 3 We've been taking a look at this for I&A4. Here's the proposed implementation: 1) In base, you're restricted to your class weapons. We don't want Medics armed with rocket launchers; rather we want players to appreciate the utility of each of the individual roles. If you are given, or pick up, a piece of gear that you couldn't ordinarily equip yourself with, you put it down automatically on the ground. 2) Outside of base (400m) you can pick up and use any gear that is available, but you are restricted to walking as long as it's in your inventory. In both cases, you're given a nag hint that tells you what the offending gear is or was. This "should" address the idea of keeping each role special, while also allowing players to use non-class gear in extraordinary situations. Amentes, Lindi, Kacper and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark T Posted November 18, 2018 Author Share Posted November 18, 2018 On 11/14/2018 at 4:03 PM, Lindi said: Can we get AhoyWorld coffee mugs? On 11/14/2018 at 5:57 PM, Colby said: Water bottles? Unfortunately not, I even put a request for it but they refused. There will be caps and bags I may look elsewhere for mugs but not promising anything. Lindi 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lindi Posted November 18, 2018 Share Posted November 18, 2018 The hoodie looks good too, but a coffee mug I use daily... a lot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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