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  1. Ryko's post in Vortex Ts3 or Discord was marked as the answer   
    Hi RoyalKings,
    Right now there is no requirement for Vortex pilots to be on Teamspeak, though it is recommended.  On the EU1 public server, it's not really possible to make it mandatory that everyone use voice comms, so people really have to do the best they can to coordinate through the communication problems that exist in a public server:
    - some players don't speak English
    - some players don't want to, or know how to use voice or text communication
    - some players will use Teamspeak, others will use in-game voice comms.
    So in a sense it's almost better to insist that players use one form of communication and stick with it; Teamspeak is convenient and offers marginally better voice comms than in-game, but that's not consistently the case anymore.
    IA4 makes no specific provision for voice comms or communication, other than we don't allow voice comms on sideChat any more.  The intention on the EU1 server will be to keep it as open-ended as possible: if people want to chat their comms, or use the in-game voice, or use teamspeak, all those options are available. For other servers, we may make specific communication forms more mandatory.
  2. Ryko's post in Squad menu bug was marked as the answer   
    Happily this issue will go away in IA4
  3. Ryko's post in Friendly arty was marked as the answer   
    If we never want the AI to consider players as threats, we can also do this in initPlayerLocal.sqf
    player addRating 10000000;
    Everytime a player kills someone on their team, they lose about 2000 rating points, so this should give them plenty of leeway before they're considered hostile.
    This is separate from score.
    - R
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